12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3
12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

Music was very western (cowboy) and sound fx were right on! Narration (female voice) was not too slow or fast. I was quite impressed with how sharp everything was. Kids and Zombies!!!! The god Ares has a chip on his shoulder regarding Hercules and has imprisoned children. This Collector's Edition has 9 Wallpapers, Achievements to earn, (which can be viewed on the level map) Collectible Puzzle Pieces, Puzzles to complete once all the pieces have been collected, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Episode with a whole new story and level, enjoy! Hercules is the go to guy for removing things no mere mortal could accomplish, and there's always an abundance of boulders and landslides. In Relaxed and Casual modes, the tasks available are circled in green, yellow indicates you will be able to complete the task once the resources collected are delivered to the base camp, red indicates the item is either blocked or you don't have enough available resources. You can click on several tasks to have the workers complete, a checkmark will appear on the item for every available worker, and flags will queue the rest in numerical order until a worker is free. Each task requires a certain amount of resources to complete and when you scan over a task, the requirements needed are shown as well as the resources you are lacking to complete the task. There are the usual tasks of building and upgrading farms, sawmills, goldmines, and even outposts that house workers that are far from home, clearing and repairing paths, and collecting food. As you progress, different bonuses are made available that can be used each time the meter refills, such as more Resources, or Faster workers, but the effects are only temporary. There are several Achievements to earn for tasks such as collecting a resource after completing the level tasks, completing the level without using bonuses or finding 10 puzzle pieces. After about 10 levels, you get to assemble a mosaic puzzle with the puzzle pieces you have collected for Wallpapers. You can replay any of the levels to try to get a better score or if you forgot the puzzle piece. Some levels have ancient jugs that will give you 100 extra points when you click on them. Each level has a puzzle piece to find which looks like an ancient rune tile, I always look for the puzzle piece before clicking on anything which starts the game, that way I don't forget about the puzzle piece or waste time searching for it.

12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

Olympus, but I could be wrong on that one. There are three different modes of difficulty, Relaxed, Casual and expert, and every level that is completed within Gold Time (3 stars) will reveal a part of the ancient castle which I believe is supposed to be Mt. Hercules must carve a path throughout the lands, removing boulders and landslides, freeing prisoners and returning the children home safely (and unzombified) Hercules must find the Toy Factory and destroy it if he is to defeat Ares, the God of War.

12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

ZOMBIE CHILDREN OF HELLAS Hercules has returned and he's stronger than ever! After declining Ares' request to help him conquer the world, he must now save the children of Hellas who have been given enchanted toys that render them zombies! Megara joins her husband on this adventure, restoring the lands, and helping tree saplings grow with wicked speed. If you're a fan of 12 Labours of Hercules and its series, you should definitely give it a try, then maybe buy it if you really like it. The thing is, if you play Relaxed, there's good and bad news: good news: you don't worry about a timer ticking down at your throat trying to complete the level, but the bad: no stars but you still are able to complete the levels.

12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3

There are three levels of difficulty: Relaxed (you play without a timer), Casual (play normally) and Expert (which is more challenging). The levels do however get very challenging as you go further in the game. The storyline and fun factor (which I have rated) are all excellent or "top notch"! There are again puzzle pieces which you have to find to complete puzzles which adds to the fun factor.


Love another Time Management game of this series ! This is a fun Time Management game of which I really love the entire series!! The extra "kids" part (of which you have to save the kids) is fun but when you play several levels their "laughing" voice can be annoying.

12 labours of hercules 5 kids of hellas level 4.3